Behavior Change Wheel: A Proven Framework for Corporate Change

In today's fast-paced business world, organizations are constantly looking for ways to innovate, improve efficiency, and stay ahead of the competition. However, implementing change within a corporation can be a daunting task, with many obstacles and challenges to overcome. One powerful tool that can help with this process is the behavior change wheel.

1. What is the behavior change wheel

The behavior change wheel is a framework that helps organizations understand and address the complex and multi-faceted nature of behavior change. Developed by researchers at the University of London, the wheel is based on the idea that behavior change is influenced by a variety of factors, including personal motivation, social influences, and environmental factors. The wheel is divided into eight segments, each representing a different aspect of behavior change.

The eight segments of the behavuior change wheel include:

  • Capability: This segment refers to the skills, knowledge, and resources that individuals need to be able to change their behavior.
  • Opportunity: This segment refers to the availability of resources and opportunities that make it possible for individuals to change their behavior.
  • Motivation: This segment refers to the individual's level of motivation and desire to change their behavior.
  • Social influences: This segment refers to the influence of friends, family, and other social networks on an individual's behavior.
  • Environmental factors: This segment refers to the physical and social environment in which individuals live and work.
  • Self-identity: This segment refers to the individual's sense of self and how they view themselves in relation to the behavior they are trying to change.
  • Implementation intentions: This segment refers to the specific plans and actions individuals take to change their behavior.
  • Reinforcement: This segment refers to the rewards and positive feedback that individuals receive for changing their behavior.

2. How can the behavior change wheel be applied to corporate change?

The behavior change wheel can be applied to corporate change in a variety of ways. For example, a company looking to implement a new recycling program can use the wheel to understand and address the various factors that may be influencing employee behavior. By understanding the capabilities and opportunities of employees, the company can provide the necessary resources and training to help them recycle properly. By understanding the motivations and social influences of employees, the company can create a culture of recycling that is reinforced through positive feedback and rewards.

3. Real-life examples of behavior change wheel

  • Starbucks: Starbucks has been using the behavior change wheel to encourage customers to recycle their cups. By providing recycling bins in stores, increasing customer awareness through signage, and offering discounts for customers who bring in reusable cups, Starbucks was able to increase the number of cups recycled by 5%.
  • Unilever: Unilever, the consumer goods company, used the behavior change wheel to change consumer behavior towards more sustainable products. By providing education and awareness campaigns, creating eco-friendly products, and offering discounts for sustainable choices, Unilever was able to increase sales of sustainable products by 30%.
  • Nike: The sportswear giant uses the Behavior Change Wheel to design its Nike+ fitness app, which motivates users to become more active by tracking their progress, setting goals, and providing rewards and social support.
  • Google: The tech giant has used the Behavior Change Wheel to design its "Google Maps Commute" feature, which helps users reduce their carbon footprint by encouraging them to use sustainable modes of transportation, such as cycling or public transport.


the behavior change wheel is a powerful tool that can help organizations understand and address the complex and multi-faceted nature of behavior change. By understanding the different factors that influence behavior, organizations can create effective strategies for change that take into account the capabilities, opportunities, motivations, and social influences of employees and customers. By using the behavior change wheel, organizations can make lasting and meaningful changes that benefit both the company and the environment.

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