Innovation experts
that ensure impact

Ready to Stretch your business? Discover more!

Where Stretch makes a difference

Want to change the direction of your business, but don't know how? With a team of innovation experts and entrepreneurs, we take your business model in hand as if it were our own. We spot opportunities, work them out and make sure they have a lasting impact. In doing so, we make sure that you and your internal colleagues are relieved of all the burden as much as possible, so that you can maintain your own focus.

Make an impact with a
customized pathway

Contact Record

Want to change tack and need a fresh, innovative look at your business model? Contact us and schedule an appointment with one of our experts.

Tailored to your needs

Do you want to get rid of your entire business strategy or do you want to focus on the development of a specific part of your business? We map out your needs and draw up a plan of approach, adapted to your sense of urgency.

What does the market do?

Identifying the needs of your business is one thing, knowing the needs of the market in which you operate is even more important. What does your target audience want? And how has the market responded to this or not? We map out opportunities.

Concept elaboration, selection & validation

Based on the needs of, and gaps in the market, we develop and validate different ideas. By validating the concepts, we quickly identify the projects that are a good fit for growing your business.

Implement & adjust where necessary

AIs your concept is optimized and validated, it is ready to conquer the market. Where we first start testing with a select target audience, the general public follows. Pain points are solved and strengths are mapped out and adjusted where necessary.

Continuous follow-up, even after launch

Even after your new business model is launched, we at Stretch continue to monitor everything closely. Our dedicated team ensures that your strategy is always in line with the needs of the market, so that your business can continue to grow.

the way stretch innovation works

Why is it so great to work with us?

From post-it to new customer

From brainstorming to identifying opportunities, making them real and validating them and also effectively integrating them into the market: Stretch Innovation guides its partners from A to Z.

Entrepreneurs, not consultants

As innovative entrepreneurs, we tackle every project like it would be ours. We therefore pursue KPIs, and do not work according to the principle of 'hourly billing'.


Start from experience: based on in-depth market insights, data-driven trends, as well as continuous monitoring by stakeholders, we learn from the past of your business. We apply this know-how to current and new innovation projects.


By looking across borders, both international and cross-industry, Stretch offers diverse opportunities for your business.

Got ideas?
Let's Make Some Trouble (the Good Kind)!


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